Zhang Jingtao.Analysis on the growth situation short of stalk soybean Under sol id seeded production system[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2000,(03):9-11.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2000.03.0009]
密植条件下矮秆大豆合交9525- 1生育动态分析
- Title:
- Analysis on the growth situation short of stalk soybean Under sol id seeded production system
- 文章编号:
- 1002- 2767( 2000) 03- 0009- 03
- Keywords:
- solid seeded; sho rt stalk soybean; grow th situation
- 分类号:
- S565. 104. 8
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 密植栽培条件下,矮秆大豆随密度增加植株增高、倒伏加重、单株生长量减弱。而群体干重、作物生长率在出苗后78天前(结荚末~ 鼓粒初期)随密度增大而增加; 78天以后,以45株/m2处理最高,其次是35株/m2处理; 叶面积指数则随密度增加呈上升趋势,但从生育、产量及产量性状等综合表现以45株/m2处理最佳,产量达3 083. 34kg /hm2 ,叶面积指数为5. 971。
- Abstract:
- Under solid seeded condi tion, with the density increasing , short stalk soy bean show ed increase in plant heig ht and lodging and decrease in g row th of single plant. But the population dry matter w eigh t and the crop g row th rate increased f rom emergence of seedling s to the 78th day af ter that ( the end of podding and the begin of seed filling ) . Af ter that stage the t reatment of 45 plant s per m2 had the bigg est population dry mat ter w eight and crop grow th rate, and the treatment of 35 plant s per m2 had the second ones. LAI increased with the increase of densi ty. The comprehensiv e performance, including grow th, yield and yield characters, of 45 plants per m2 w as the best , wi th the yield per ha 3083. 4kg and LAI 5. 971.
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收稿日期: 2000- 01- 25
本文属国家智引项目- 大豆密植高产品种及栽培技术的部分内容。
作者简介: 张敬涛( 1964- ) , 男, 农艺师, 现主要从事大豆窄行密植及计算机作物模型等研究。