SONG Shu-li,JIN Hui.The Analysis on the Field Tests of Several Kinds of Fungicides for Controlling Downy Mildew of Cucumber[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2006,(04):57-58.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2006.04.0057]
- Title:
- The Analysis on the Field Tests of Several Kinds of Fungicides for Controlling Downy Mildew of Cucumber
- 文章编号:
- 1002 -2767(2006)04 -0057 -02
- Keywords:
- fungicide ; dow ny mi ldew of cucumber ; controlling effect
- 分类号:
- S435 .651
- 文献标志码:
- B
- 摘要:
- 试验表明, 72 .2 %普力克AS 、64 %杀毒钒WP 、72 %克露WP 、47 %加瑞农WP 和70 %安泰生WP 均为防治黄瓜霜霉病较好的药剂品种。其中, 以72 .2 %普力克AS800 倍液的药效表现最好, 三次药后10 d 的防效达到97 .89 %, 显著优于同剂量的其它药剂;72 %克露WP800 倍液的药效为94 .08 %, 表现次之;47 %加瑞农WP800 倍液和70 %安泰生WP800 倍液的药效分别为89 .4 %和87 .88 %, 二者的药效无差异。
- Abstract:
- Ex periment resul t show ed that 72 .2 % prapamocarb hydrochloride AS 、64 % ox adixy lmancozeb WP 、72 % cymoxanil mancozeb WP 、47 % kasug amycin hydrochlo ride WP 和70 % propinedWP w ere ef fective fungicides fo r co nt rol ling dow ny midew of cucumber .Among tho se fungicides 72 .2 % prapamocarb hy drochlo ride AS had best cont rolling ef fect , af te r 3 t imes spraying ,the cont rolling ef fect reached 97 .89 %,w hich w as significant ly hig her than o ther fungicides .Thecont rolling effect of 72 % cymox anil mancozeb WP , 47 % kasug amycin hydrochlo ride WP and 70 %pro pined WP w ere 94 .08 %, 89 .4 %and 87 .88 %respectively .
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收稿日期:2006 -04 -03