HU Jun,WEI Kai-feng,LIU Wan,et al.Analysis on Combining Ability and Utility Value of Maize Plant Quantitative Characters[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2020,(01):1-8.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2020.01.0001]
- Title:
- Analysis on Combining Ability and Utility Value of Maize Plant Quantitative Characters
- Keywords:
- maize; incomplete diallel crossing; quantitative traits; GCA; SCA
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 为促进自交系的利用与改良,选取综合性状优良的20个玉米自交系进行配合力测定,按照不完全双列杂交设计,9个母本和11个父本组配99个杂交组合,以平安194为对照,对亲本和杂交组合的株高、穗位高等7个数量性状进行统计分析。结果表明:杂交组合的7个性状在一般配合力、特殊配合力上差异极显著。JZF4等3个自交系可以显著降低杂交种株高,JZM8等3个自交系可以显著降低杂交种穗位高,母本自交系JZF9和父本自交系JZM11雄穗分支数一般配合力为显著负值和显著正值,它们是减少雄穗养分竞争,保证完全授粉的较好育种材料。在抽丝期与开花期两个性状上,自交系JZM2与JZM4一般配合力是极显著正值和极显著负值,可以用来改良品种的生育期,以适应当地的生态气候条件。JZF5等3个自交系单株穗重的一般配合力是极显著的正值,平均可以增加杂交种单株穗重20 g以上,育种潜力较大。单株穗重对照优势大于5%的两个组合JZF5×JZM4和JZF8×JZM5株高、穗位高等植株综合性状较好,无明显的缺点,可作为优势杂交组合进一步研究利用。
- Abstract:
- In order to promote the utilization and improvement of inbred lines,in this study,20 maize inbred lines with better comprehensive traits were selected for combining ability test.According to NCII design,9 female parents and 11 male parents were paired with 99 crosses.Pingan 194 was used as control.Statistical analysis was carried out on 7 quantitative traits such as plant height and ear height of parents and cross combinations.The results showed that there were significant differences in general combining ability and special combining ability among the seven traits of hybrid combinations.Three inbred lines such as JZF4 could significantly reduce the plant height of hybrid,three inbred lines such as JZM8 could significantly reduce the ear height of hybrid.The general combining ability of male and female inbred lines JZF9 and JZM11 was significantly negative and positive.They were good breeding materials for reducing nutrient competition of tassel and ensuring complete pollination.On the two characters of silking and flowering stage,the general combining ability of inbred lines JZM2 and JZM4 was extremely significant positive and negative,which could be used to improve the growth period of varieties to adapt to local ecological and climatic conditions.The GCA of ear weight per plant of three inbred lines,such as JZF5,was extremely significant positive,which could increase the ear weight per plant of hybrid by more than 20 grams on average,and had great breeding potential.The two combinations’ ear weight with control advantage greater than 5% were JZF5×JZM4 and JZF8×JZM5.Their comprehensive plant traits,such as plant height and ear height,had no obvious shortcomings and could be used as dominant hybrid for further research and utilization.
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