XU Shi-wei,ZHU Biao.Research on Digital Content Company Based on 4P Structure[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2010,(11):168-171.
- Title:
- Research on Digital Content Company Based on 4P Structure
- 文章编号:
- 1002-2767(2010)11-0168-04
- Keywords:
- digital content company; 4P structure; development
- 分类号:
- F49
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 论述了当前我国发展数字内容产业存在的问题,通过对数字内容企业的研究,建立4P架构的内容企业发展模式,以长期理念为基础,优化流程,发展员工和事业伙伴,解决问题,促进内容产业的发展。提出建立战略联盟和学习型组织,体现出内容企业强大的社会责任感等建议。
- Abstract:
- The problems of digital content industry development in our country were discussed.Through the research of enterprise,a model of content company developing to promote the development of content industrial was established.It based on long-term philosophy and optimized the process,developed people and partners,and led to solve problems.It suggested that the content company should set up strategy alliance and learn organizations.The content company should embody the huge social responsibilities and so on.
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第一作者简介:徐世伟(1965-),男,重庆市人,硕士,教授,从事企业信息化管理、流程再造与组织变革、企业战略规划、企业竞争情报研究。E-mail: zb08@163.com。