XING Dan-dan,CHEN Zhen-wu,GE Wei-de,et al.Effect on Agronomic Traits and Yield of Different Densities in Sesame[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2010,(04):11-17.
- Title:
- Effect on Agronomic Traits and Yield of Different Densities in Sesame
- 文章编号:
- 1002-2767(2010)04-0011-07
- Keywords:
- sesame; density; yield; reproductive traits; physiological characters
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 于2008~2009年在辽宁省农业科学院作物所旱田试验地进行。以辽芝1号芝麻为材料,采用单因子试验,随机区组排列,三次重复;设6个密度:18.0、16.5、15.0、13.5、12.0、10.5 万株·hm-2,其中10.5万株·hm-2为对照。底肥施N 、P、 K复合肥225 kg·hm-2。结果表明:密度对株高的影响为13.5>10.5>16.>12.0>18.0>15.0,12.0万株·hm-2处理的密度对株高的影响较稳定;密度对叶片数的影响:10.5>15.0>16.5>13.5和18.0>12.0,在密度为12.0和13.5万株?hm-2的处理下,密度对叶片数的影响较稳定;密度对茎干重的影响:13.5>12.0>10.5>15.0>16.5>18.0, 12.0和13.5万株·hm-2处理的密度对茎干重的积累有促进作用;密度对叶干重的影响:13.5>12.0>15.0>10.5>16.5>18.0,12.0和13.5万株?hm-2处理的密度对叶干重的积累有促进作用;密度对叶面积的影响:10.5>15.0>16.5>18.0>13.5>12.0,15.0万株·hm-2处理的密度对叶面积有促进作用;密度对叶绿素含量的影响:10.5>13.5>16.5>15.0>12.0>18.0;合理的增加种植密度可提高初花期叶绿素的含量;密度对产量的影响:12.0>13.5>16.5>18.0>15.0>10.5,密度为12.0万株·hm-2的处理产量增长率最大,其次是密度为13.5万株·hm-2的处理。从总体看,芝麻的种植密度在12.0~13.5万株·hm-2最为适宜。
- Abstract:
- Taking seed of Liaozhi No. 1 as experiment material, in dry farmland of the Liaoning Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences crops carried out by the test. Single-factor experiments, randomized block with three repeat. 6 density levels established; fertilizer N,P,K compound fertilizer is 225 kg·hm-2. Reproductive traits, dry matter accumulation, leaf area, chlorophyll content and yield traits of Liaozhi No. 1 by different density were analysised. The results indicated: the density to the high influence change order was 135>105>165>120>180>150, the density 120 thousand plants·hm-2 processing was stable to a high influence; The density to the number of leaves the influence change order was 105 >150>165>135(180) >120, in the density 120 thousand plants·hm-2 and under 135 thousand plants·hm-2 processing, the density the influence was stable to the number of leaves; Density to the stem heavy influence change order was 135>120>105>150>165>180, 120 and 135thousand plants·hm-2 processing densities have the promoter action to the stem heavy accumulation; The density to the leaf dry weight’s influence change order was 135>120>150>105>165>180, 120, 135 thousand plants?hm-2 processing densities have the promoter action to the leaf dry weight’s accumulation; The density to the leaf area’s influence change order was 105>150>165>180>135>120, 150 thousand plants·hm-2 processing densities have the promoter action to the leaf area; The density to the chlorophyll content’s influence change order was 105>135>165>150>120>180, reasonable increases the planting density to be possible to enhance the first flowering time chlorophyll the content; The density to the output the influence change order was 120>135>165>180>150>105, the density 120 thousand plants·hm-2 processing output rate of increment was biggest, next was the density 135 thousand plants?hm-2 processing. Looked from the overall: Sesame seed’s planting density was suitable in 120~135 thousand plants·hm-2.
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