CHEN Jian-hua,WANG Lian-jie,MA Ying-hui.Study of Wheat Straw Hydrolyzed by ConcentratedHydrofluoric Acid[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2008,(02):93-95.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2008.02.0093]
- Title:
- Study of Wheat Straw Hydrolyzed by ConcentratedHydrofluoric Acid
- 文章编号:
- 1002-2767(2008)02-0093-03
- Keywords:
- wheat straw ; hy droly ze ; dilute sulfuric acid
- 分类号:
- S216 .2
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 初步探讨了利用浓氢氟酸对小麦秸秆水解的影响因素。氢氟酸浓度、水解温度、水解时间、秸秆粉粒度等对还原糖得率及原料水解率都有一定影响。在浓氢氟酸浓度为30 %, 水解温度70 ℃, 水解时间2 h , 秸秆粉粒度40 ~ 60 目, 固形物含量5 %的水解条件下, 还原糖得率为27 .84%, 原料水解率为57.37% 。
- Abstract:
- The influential facto rs of hydro ly zing the wheat straw by hydro fluo ric acid we re studied including theconcentr ation of hy dr ofluo ric acid , hydr oly zing temperature , hy drolyzing time , the g ranularity of the wheat straw .The reducing sug ar yield reached 27.84 %, at the following co nditions:co ncentration(H F)=30 %, the hydr olyzingtempera ture 70 ℃, hy drolyzing time 2 h , the g r anula rity 40~ 60 mesh and the solid content o n mo re than 5 %.
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第一作者简介:陈建华(1979-), 男, 湖南人, 硕士, 主要从事生物质能源的研究。E-mai l:05chenjianhua @su st .edu .cn 。