WANG Xiu-fen.Hayek’ s the “Social Order Dualism”and the Ambiguityof the Villager Autonomous Mode[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2008,(01):93-96.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2008.01.0093]
- Title:
- Hayek’ s the “Social Order Dualism”and the Ambiguityof the Villager Autonomous Mode
- 文章编号:
- 1002-2767(2008)01-0093-04
- Keywords:
- spontaneous order ; man-made order ; village rautonomy ; self-dependence ; compellent vicissitude
- 分类号:
- D422 .6
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 村民自治是农村治理的一种有效方式。通过把哈耶克的“ 社会秩序二元论” 作为理论基础和整体分析的框架, 认为当前我国村民自治应体现为自发性演进与强制性变迁两种村治模式交互运用, 而总的趋势则是由“ 人造的秩序”向“ 自生自发的秩序”过渡, 即由国家权力支持的外在强制型转变为村庄自主内生的秩序。
- Abstract:
- Villag er autonomy is deemed to be an effectiv e w ay in the countries , o f the mode to w hich w as pro bed byscho lar s multiply in China .This paper developed it’s ow n style of the f ramewo rk for ratio nales and o vera ll analysiso ut of H ay ek’s "social or der dualism", that the autho r called for tw o modes fo r v illag er autonomy , reflected upon, the spo ntaneous ev olutio n and the compellent vicissitude w o rking mutually .While the trend for all in the dualismsho uld be a tra nsition from the man-made order to the spo ntaneous one , namely , fr om the o rder of compellentstate power to the one of self-depende nce in village .
[ 1] 马克斯· 韦伯.经济与社会(上卷)[ M] .林荣远, 译.北京:商务印书馆, 1997 :78 .