ZHAO Hai-xin,HUANGXiao-qun,et al.Effect of Mowing Frequency on Yield Competition and Leaf Function of Mix-sowing Grassland of Bromus inermis and Alfalfa[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2007,(04):90-93.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2007.04.0090]
- Title:
- Effect of Mowing Frequency on Yield Competition and Leaf Function of Mix-sowing Grassland of Bromus inermis and Alfalfa
- 文章编号:
- 1002-2767(2007)04 -0090 -04
- Keywords:
- mowing ; mix-sowing ; mowing frequency ; po pula tion competitio n
- 分类号:
- S543.8 ;S551.7
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 试验以草原3 号杂花苜蓿和无芒雀麦为试验材料, 对2 年生混播牧草进行刈割处理, 通过对两种牧草产量及翌年头茬牧草净光合速率测定结果表明:首次刈割时间推后, 无芒雀麦的竞争力下降, 产量降低。年刈割频率降低无芒雀麦竞争力增大, 而抑制苜蓿的竞争力;刈后翌年头茬苜蓿叶片的光合速率、气孔导度、蒸腾速率随上一年刈割频率升高逐渐下降, 而无芒雀麦随刈割频率的升高呈逐渐增加的趋势, 说明低频刈割翌年苜蓿地上部分具有竞争优势, 而高频刈割增强了无芒雀麦的种群竞争力。
- Abstract:
- Tw o-y ear g rass Cao yuan NO.3 alfalfa and bromus ine rmis were used a s the ex periment materials , and tw o pasturage s w ere tr eated to mow.By analyzing yield and net photo sy nthetic rate of headstubble of the ne xt year , the results show ed that the compe titio n of bromus ine rmis decreased and yie ld reduced with pushing the fir st mow ing time.Reducing the y ear mowing frequency co uld increa se the compe titio n o f bromus inermis, but restr ain the competition o f alfalfa.The ne t photo sy nthetic r ate , leaf stomata conductance and tra nspira tion rate o f head stubble alfalfa gr adually reduced af te r mowing in the nex t y ear , with last yea r mowing f requency increased, and net pho tosynthetic rate , leaf stomata conductance and transpira tion rate of bromus ine rmis gr adually increased with increasing mow ing frequency. The results show ed tha t nex t-y ear alfalfa had competition advantag e w ith low mowing frequency in g row th co urse , and nex t-y ear br omus inermis had competition advantage w ith high mowing f requency in g row th co urse.
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收稿日期:2007 -01 -30
第一作者简介:赵海新(1977 -), 男, 内蒙古自治区奈曼旗人, 硕士, 助理研究员, 主要从事作物栽培研究。E -mail:zhaohai xin2005 @ 163 .com 。