XIE Yong-jian,ZHANGShu-chun,LüYun-bo,et al.Explotion of Agricultural Technology Extension Mode———Agricultural Technology Cooperative Society[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2006,(06):61-64.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2006.06.0061]
XIE Yong-jian,ZHANGShu-chun,LüYun-bo,et al.Explotion of Agricultural Technology Extension Mode———Agricultural Technology Cooperative Society[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2006,(06):61-64.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2006.06.0061]
- Title:
- Explotion of Agricultural Technology Extension Mode———Agricultural Technology Cooperative Society
- 文章编号:
- 1002 - 2767(2006)06 - 0061 - 04
- 分类号:
- S333
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 青冈县祯祥镇、北林区兴福乡聚宝村在村民自愿加入的基础上, 由农技推广部门、农业科研院所和农民出于自身产销利益考虑, 遵循民办、民管、民受益原则, 成立了以科技成果为载体的祯祥镇和兴聚农业科技合作社。经过探索实践, 展现出三个方面重要作用:一是提高农民组织化程度, 发挥大型农机具作用, 实现农机农艺相结合、良种良法相配套, 开展集约化、规模化、标准化生产;二是加速农业科研成果转化, 先进技术扩散;三是促进农技推广人员知识更新、农民培训和技能提高, 使农技人员更好地服务社员, 社员更好地辐射、带动周边农民, 并成为推进农业科技入户的有效途径。
- Abstract:
- Based on farmers’ join voluntarily , fo llow ed the principles of pepole-run , pepole-manage, pepole-benifi t , co nsidered the self-interest of agricul tural technology ex tensio n depar tment ,ag ricultural sciences and farme rs , the Zhenxiang and Xing ju Ag ricultural Technology CooperativeSo cieties w hich to ok scientific and technolo gical achievement s as thei r carrier , w ere se t up inZhenxiang vi llage of Qingg ang county and Jubao village of Beilin. They play ed an impor tant rolein three aspect s :Fi rst ly , they could enhence the sy stematizat ion ex tent , ex ert the functio n offarm mechinary , realize the combinatio n o f farm mechinary and ag ronomy and develop intensivism, standardization production. Seco ndly , they could accelorate the transforming and spreadingof the scientific achivements and advangced techno logy . Finally , they could renew the know ledgeof ex tensive personnel , improve the ski ll of the farmers , service their membe rs and farmers aroundand make themselves to become an effect ive approch to realize ag ricultural technology enteringinto the families.
LIU Xiaoju,ZHANG Xinyue,ZHANG Qin.Research and Practice of Internship Model Innovation in Landscape Engineering Technology Specialty[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2016,(06):115.[doi:10.11942/j.issn10022767.2016.12.0115]
收稿日期:2006 - 08 - 11第一作者简介:谢永坚(1962 - ), 男, 哈尔滨人, 黑龙江省农业委员会科教处, 副处长, 从事科技管理工作。Tel :13946057297 ;E - mail :xyj11777 @sina. com 。
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