CHEN Xia,ZHAO Gui-xing,SUN Zi-zhong.The By-product of Soybean Processing ———The Utilization of Soybean Dregs and Soybean Oilstocks[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2006,(06):57-60.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2006.06.0057]
- Title:
- The By-product of Soybean Processing ———The Utilization of Soybean Dregs and Soybean Oilstocks
- 文章编号:
- 1002 -2767(2006)06 -0057 -04
- Keywords:
- dietary fiber ; vitamin E ; preparatio n
- 分类号:
- S565 .1 ;S 38
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 大豆富含蛋白质、脂肪, 是人类生活中优质的蛋白源和优质油的来源。对其加工利用一直都被人民关注。在大豆加工过程中余下的豆渣及油脚含有生理活性物质, 对人类健康有着十分重要的作用, 本文对豆渣、油脚的开发应用进行了研究, 利用豆渣为原料提取豆渣膳食纤维素, 工艺产率为80 %, 产品纤维素含量为67 .71 %, 并研制开发了大豆纤维系列食品。利用大豆油脚提取大豆天然维生素E , 纯度为80 %, 其理化指标均符合食品添加剂标准。
- Abstract:
- So ybean is a high quality sources of protein and fat in ordinary living , it s processing andutilizing are concerned by people at all times .Soybean dregs and soybean oil stocks are the byproduct in soybean processing , it co ntains phy sio logical activity ma terials and has health benefitfo r human .T his article studied the ex ploi tation o f soy bean dregs and soybean oilsto cks throughw hich dietary f iber w as ex t racted f rom .The yield of dietary fiber w as 80 % .The content of cellulose in product w as 70 %.Moreover , series soybean f iber fo ods w ere developed w ith the dietaryfibe r as material .Vitamin E w as ex t racted f rom so ybean oilstocks , purity w as 80 %, and i t sphysiochemical level s w ere qualified fo r the stand o f fo od addictive .
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收稿日期:2006 -6 -15