MARIN Todorov.Comparison Experiment of High Qualiby Beef Cattle in the Mountain Regions of Bulgari[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2006,(05):96-97.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2006.05.0096]
- Title:
- Comparison Experiment of High Qualiby Beef Cattle in the Mountain Regions of Bulgari
- 文章编号:
- 1002 -2767(2006)05 -0096 -02
- Keywords:
- beef catt le ; breed ; fini shing
- 分类号:
- S823 .92
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 比较在保加利亚山地条件下, 利木赞牛、塞勒斯牛、赫里福德牛和安格斯牛的牛肉产品在数量和质量上的区别。在牛肉产量上, 利木赞牛犊牛和其他品种相比有最高的价值和很大的不同, 它们的肉脂肪含量很少。安格斯犊牛的骨骼比例最少, 其次是赫里福德犊牛和利木赞犊牛, 塞勒斯犊牛的骨骼百分比最高。研究表明, 根据新的欧盟市场前景和在屠宰后犊牛胴体质量和数量方面的最新需求, 保加利亚肉牛饲养需要更高效的品种(如利木赞)及其杂交品种, 这样才会为保加利亚牧场主带来更多的利润。
- Abstract:
- The object ive o f thi s study w as to determine the dif ferences in quantity and quality ofthe beef production f rom the specialized beef breeds Limousin , Salers , Herefo rd , and Abe rdeenAng us reared under the co ndi tio ns of the mountain regio ns of Bulg aria .Concerning the meaty ield , the Limousin breed suckler calves demonstrated the highest values and sig nificant differencesas reg ards the rest of the breeds .Thei r meat also had sig nificant ly less fat .The calves ofAberdeen Angus breed had the least pro po rtion of bones in the carcass , follow ed by the breedsHe reford and Limousin .The Salers breed calves , however , had the highest percentage of bones .This largely dete rmined the ranking by the EU RUP system , acco rding to w hich Limoi sin calve shad 80 % first -rate carcasses , followed by the breeds Salers , Aberdeen Angus and He reford .These studies show ed that in view o f the new EU market perspectives and the new quality andquanti ty requirement s fo r assessment of the carcasse s of calves , beef ca tt le breeding in Bulgarianeeds to be o riented to more eff icient breeds (Limuzin)and hybrids that w ould pro vide betterpro fit s to Bulg arian farmers .
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收稿日期:2006 -07 -23