JIAO Zhan-li.Strengthening The Popularization of Agricultural Techniques and Accelerating The Transformation of Scientific Achievements in Agricultural Research Institutes[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2006,(03):42-44.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2006.03.0042]
- Title:
- Strengthening The Popularization of Agricultural Techniques and Accelerating The Transformation of Scientific Achievements in Agricultural Research Institutes
- 文章编号:
- 1002 -2767(2006)03 -0042 -03
- Keywords:
- agricul tural techniques po pularizatio n ; research Insti tute s ; t ransfo rmatio n of scientific research achievements
- 分类号:
- S3 -33
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 随着我国农业和农村经济的发展, 以政府推广机构为主体的推广体制已不适应现阶段农业发展的要求。借鉴世界发达国家农业合作推广体制的做法, 加强科研院所农业科技推广力度, 是对现行的农业科技推广体制的必要补充和完善。充分利用科研院所的人力和物力, 深入农业第一线,采取行之有效的措施和手段, 促使先进的科研成果同农业生产实践有效对接, 加快科研成果转化为生产力的速度。
- Abstract:
- With the development of ag ricultural and rural economy , the po pulari zatio n sy stem ofgove rnmental depar tment is no t met the need of agricul ture development at present .Using thee xperiences o f developed count ries o n ag ricultural coo perated popularization sy stem for refe renceand strengthening the ag ricultural techniques po pularizatio n o f ag ricultural research insti tutes arethe complement and consummat ion to current ag ricul ture techniques po pulari zatio n sy stem .Completelydeveloping the intellectual and material reso urces of research inst itutes and adopting ef fectivemeasures co uld promote the combina tion of advanced scientific research achievement s wi thag ricultural practice , and speed up the scientific research achievement s t ransformation .Key words:agricul tural techniques po pularizatio n ;research Insti tute s ;t ransfo rmatio n of
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收稿日期:2006 -01 -03