ZHANGJun-min.Study on Heat Lethal Time of Different Cultivars of Cucumber under High Temperature Stress[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2005,(03):14-16.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2005.03.0014]
- Title:
- Study on Heat Lethal Time of Different Cultivars of Cucumber under High Temperature Stress
- 文章编号:
- 1002 - 2767(2005)03 - 0014 - 03
- 关键词:
- 黑龙江省农科院园艺分院; 哈尔滨150069
- Keywords:
- heat le thal t ime ; cucumber ; relative leakage
- 分类号:
- S642. 2
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 本试验对30 个品种的黄瓜幼苗, 在50 ℃高温下叶片的电解质渗透量随时间变化的规律进行研究, 以期找到品种的热致死时间以及它和耐热性的关系。研究表明, 不同黄瓜品种的热致死时间是不同的, 其范围在10. 56 ~ 26. 42 min 之间。用50 ℃热致死时间的长短可以对其耐热性进行鉴定。大多数华南类型品种的热致死时间要长于华北类型品种。热致死时间长的品种存在明显的前期拐点, 并且品种的热致死时间和50 ℃条件下ID 拐点时间、15 min 的ID 呈极显著相关。
- Abstract:
- Thir ty cucumber cultivar s w ere used to study electro ly tic leakag e of leaf under 50 ℃ hig h temperature , in order to f ind o ut the relatio n between lethal time and hig h temperature to lerance. The result s show ed that range of lethal time i s f rom 10. 56min ~ 26. 42min in dif fe rent cucumber cultivars. Lethal t ime under 50 ℃ can be the index fo r evaluating the hig h temperature to lerance. The lethal time of cucumbe r cultiva rs in the south w as hig her than that of in the no rth. The cultivars that had longer le thal time ex ited the point of inflexio n in early stage and significant correlatio n w as o bserved betw een lethal time o f high tempe rature and the point of inf lexio n under 50 ℃, injury deg ree (ID) in 15 min.
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收稿日期:2005 - 01 - 10
作者简介:张军民(1970 - ), 男, 黑龙江省绥棱县人, 助研, 从事科研管理工作。