GUO Jiyun,NIU Lijuan,LI Hailong,et al.Selection and Breeding of New Potato Variety Xueyu 10[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2025,(02):113-117.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2025.02.0113]
- Title:
- Selection and Breeding of New Potato Variety Xueyu 10
- 文章编号:
- 18
- Keywords:
- potato; Xueyu 10; mid maturity varieties; processing
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 为促进马铃薯新品种雪育10号的推广应用,对该品种的选育经过、特征特性、产量表现、良种繁育和技术要点等方面进行简单介绍。雪育10号是雪川农业集团股份有限公司于2015年,以同薯20号为母本,宁薯15号为父本杂交选育而成适合鲜食、全粉、炸片、炸条加工的马铃薯新品种。2020-2021年参加不同生态区适应性试验平均产量3 015.72 kg·(667 m2)-1,比对照品种大西洋[2 085 kg·(667 m2)-1]增产44.64 %。2023年通过非主要农作物品种登记,登记号为GPD马铃薯(2023)130061。雪育10号属中熟品种,生育期90 d,该品种鲜薯块茎干物质含量21.00%,淀粉含量15.41%,还原糖含量0.23%,蛋白质含量0.79%,维生素C含量18.67 mg·(100 g)-1,可溶性糖含量0.32%。抗马铃薯X病毒(Potato virus X,PVX)、感马铃薯Y病毒(Potato virus Y,PVY),中抗马铃薯晚疫病,易感马铃薯卷叶病毒病。雪育10号适宜在北方一季作区内蒙古自治区及河北省张家口市春季种植。
- Abstract:
- in order to promote the application of the new potato variety Xueyu 10, this article introduced its breeding history, characteristics, yield performance, seed propagation, and technical points from various aspects. Xueyu 10 is a new variety suitable for whole fresh, flour, fried chips and fried strips processing,was bred and developed through sexual hybridization, using Tongshu 20 as female and Ningshu 15 as male by SnowValley Agricultural Group Co., Ltd. The two-year average yield was 3 015.72 kg·(667 m2)-1, increased by 44.64% compared with the yield of control variety ’Atlantic’ 2 085 kg·(667 m2)-1 in adaptability trials in 2020-2021. It was approved for registration [registration number: GPD potato (2023) 130061] of non-major crop varieties by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People’s Republic of China in 2023. This variety is medium and late-maturing, with about 90 days growth duration. For this variety, dry matter is 21.00%, starch is 15.41%, reducing sugar is 0.23%, protein is 0.79%, vitamin C is 18.67 mg·(100 g)-1, and soluble sugar is 0.32%. Xueyu 10 is highly resistance to potato virus X, susceptible to potato virus Y and potato virus PLRV, moderately resistance to late blight. It is suitable for planting in north one cropping region such as Inner Mongolia and Zhangjiakou of Hebei province.
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