ZHENG Yalu,LI Xiangyu,SUN Guangquan,et al.Construction of Core Collection of Kidney Bean in Heilongjiang Province Based on Phenotypic Characters[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2025,(02):30-37.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2025.02.0030]
- Title:
- Construction of Core Collection of Kidney Bean in Heilongjiang Province Based on Phenotypic Characters
- 文章编号:
- 5
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 为构建黑龙江省普通菜豆种质资源的核心种质,以在黑龙江省收集的334份菜豆资源为试验材料,依据33个农艺性状的表型数据,采用逐步聚类、欧氏距离结合离差平方和法,以7种不同取样规模(10%、15%、20%、25%、30%、35%和40%),4种组内取样比例(简单比例、对数比例、平方根比例和多样性比例),构建了28个备选核心种质,从中筛选出最佳核心种质,并对构建的核心种质与原始种质进行最大值、最小值、均值、标准差、变异系数、多样性指数等6个特征值比较,以均值差异百分率、方差差异百分率、极差符合率、变异系数变化率和表型保留比例5个评价参数进行评价,并用主成分分析法进一步验证,研究黑龙江省菜豆资源核心种质构建方法。结果表明,以35%总体取样规模,组内取样比例为对数比例构建的116份核心种质最佳,其均值差异百分率为9.1%,极差符合率为99.945%,变异系数变化率为113.985%,表型保留比例为100%,主成分14个,累计贡献率为74.568%,能较好地代表原始种质遗传多样性,可作为核心资源加以利用。
- Abstract:
- In order to construct the core germplasm of Phaseolus vulgaris germplasm resources in Heilongjiang Province, 334 accessions of Phaseolus vulgaris resources collected in Heilongjiang Province were used as experimental materials. Based on the penotypic data of 33 agronomic traits, 28 candidate core germplasms were constructed by stepwise clustering and Euclidean distance combined with the sum of squares of deviations method, at 7 different sampling scales (10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35% and 40%) and 4 intra-group sampling ratios (simple ratio, logarithmic ratio, square root ratio and diversity ratio). Then, the best core germplasm was selected from the 28 candidate core germplasms, and this constructed core germplasm was compared with the original germplasms in terms of six metrics as including maximum value, minimum value, mean value, standard deviation, coefficient of variation and diversity index. In addition, the core germplasm was evaluated in terms of five metrics such as mean difference percentage, variance difference percentage, range conformity rate, coefficient of variation change rate and phenotypic retention ratio. The principal component analysis method was used to further verify that the core germplasm of Phaseolus vulgaris resources in Heilongjiang Province was reasonable. The results showed that the constructed core germplasm of 116 pieces of resources were the best, when the overall sampling scale was 35% and the sampling ratio within the group was logarithmic. The best core germplasm had a mean difference percentage of 9.1%, a range agreement rate of 99.945%, a coefficient of variation change rate of 113.985%, a phenotypic retention rate of 100%, 14 principal components, and a cumulative contribution rate of 74.568%. These values mean that the core germplasm with 116 resources can represent the genetic diversity of the original germplasm better and can be used as core resources.
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