MA Wendong,HU Yueting,ZHANG Yunjiang,et al.Breeding and Application of Japonica Type Glutinous Rice Variety Longgeng 1823 in Cold Region[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2025,(01):121-124.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2025.01.0121]
MA Wendong,HU Yueting,ZHANG Yunjiang,et al.Breeding and Application of Japonica Type Glutinous Rice Variety Longgeng 1823 in Cold Region[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2025,(01):121-124.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2025.01.0121]
- Title:
- Breeding and Application of Japonica Type Glutinous Rice Variety Longgeng 1823 in Cold Region
- 文章编号:
- 18
- Keywords:
- high quality glutinous rice; Longgeng 1823; breeding; characteristics
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 为促进糯稻新品种龙粳1823推广应用和黑龙江省糯稻产业发展,介绍了龙粳1823的亲本来源、选育经过、特征特性、产量表现及栽培技术要点。糯稻新品种龙粳1823是黑龙江省农业科学院水稻研究所以自育亲本材料龙交11-4474为母本,龙交11-4055为父本,育成的优质粳型糯稻新品种。2019-2020年龙粳1823参加黑龙江省第二积温带下限水稻品种糯稻组区域试验,平均产量为8 228.7 kg·hm-2,比对照品种龙糯3号增产8.5%。2021年参加黑龙江省第二积温带下限水稻品种糯稻组生产试验,平均产量8 992.9 kg·hm-2,比对照品种龙糯3号增产8.3%。三年试验产量均比对照品种龙糯3号增产8.0%以上,属高产型水稻品种。2022年经黑龙江省农作物品种审定委员会审定通过(审定编号:黑审稻20220064)。2020-2021年经鉴定分析,龙粳1823稻米品质达到国家优质稻谷糯稻标准,具有米质优、株型理想、丰产性好、综合抗性优良等特点。
- Abstract:
- In order to promote the application of new glutinous rice variety Longgeng 1823 and the development of glutinous rice industry in Heilongjiang, this paper introduced the source of parents, breeding process, characteristics, yield performance and key points of cultivation technology of Longgeng 1823. Longgeng 1823, a new glutinous rice variety with good quality, was developed by the Institute of Rice Research, Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, using self-bred parent material Longjiao 11-4474 as female parent and Longjiao 11-4055 as male parent. From 2019 to 2020, Longgeng 1823 participated in the regional trials of the glutinous rice group under the lower limit of the second temperature zone in Heilongjiang Province, the average yield was 8 228.7 kg·ha-1, which was 8.5% higher than Longnuo 3; And Longgeng 1823 participated in production trials in 2021, the average yield was 8 992.9 kg·ha-1, which was 8.3% higher than Longnuo 3. The three-year trial yields were all more than 8.0% higher than the reference variety Longnuo 3,which was belongs to the high-yielding type. Approved by Heilongjiang Crop Variety Approval Committee in 2022(Approval number: Heishendao 20220064). After analysis and identification in 2020-2021,the quality of Longgeng 1823 rice reached the national standard of glutinous rice. It has the characteristics of excellent rice quality, ideal plant type, high yield, and good comprehensive resistance.
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