MIN Fanhua,XU Xinpeng,HE Ping,et al.Application Effects of Intelligent Fertilizer Recommendation Technology in Cold Rice[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2025,(01):1-6.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2025.01.0001]
- Title:
- Application Effects of Intelligent Fertilizer Recommendation Technology in Cold Rice
- 文章编号:
- 1
- Keywords:
- cold rice; Nutrient Expert System; fertilizer recommendation; bio-organic fertilizer; yield; partial factor productivity of fertilizer
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 为了减少长期大量施用化肥对寒地水稻土壤及环境的影响,基于产量及上季肥料残效,依据养分专家系统(简称NE系统)在寒地水稻上进行智能化推荐施肥,采用大区对比试验设计设置不同施肥量,调查不同施肥处理对水稻生育期、产量构成因子、理论产量、实测产量及经济效益的影响,并分析不同施肥处理肥料偏生产力。结果表明,相较于农民习惯施肥(FP)三大肥料(N-P2O5-K2O)施用量161,59和106 kg·hm-2 ,智能化推荐(N-P2O5-K2O)施肥量为 151,56和69 kg·hm-2 ,减施氮、磷、钾纯用量分别为10,3和37 kg·hm-2。各处理之间的生育进程、产量构成因子、实际产量都存在一定差异且变化规律不明显。处理2的成熟期最早,为9月1日,与FP的相差2 d;处理3三大肥料的PFP都是最高的,分别为73.98,199.49和161.91 kg·kg-1,比FP的分别高8.86,21.78和63.00 kg·kg-1。4个处理在减肥条件下均实现增产,处理3实际增产最高,产量达到11 171.67 kg·hm-2,增产量686.73 kg·hm-2,增产率6.5%,各处理增产、肥料偏生产力高低顺序相一致。说明通过增施生物有机肥能有效提高水稻的产量。
- Abstract:
- In order to reduce the impact of long-term excessive use of chemical fertilizers on the soil and environment of cold rice. Intelligent fertilizer recommendation of according to the Nutrient Expert System (NE) based on yield and residual nutrients from previous season. Adopting a regional comparative experimental design with different fertilization rates, investigate the effects of different fertilization treatments on rice growth period, yield composition factors, theoretical yield, measured yield, and economic benefits, and analyze the partial factor productivity of fertilizer (PFP) under different fertilization treatments. The experimental results showed that compared with farmers used to three fertilizer (N-P2O5-K2O) application amount of 161,59,106 kg·ha-1, intelligent fertilizer recommendation (N-P2O5-K2O) application amount of 151,56,69 kg·ha-1, the reduced application amount of N, P2O5, K2O were 10, 3, 37 kg·ha-1. There were some differences among the development process, yield factors, the actual yield, and the variation was not obvious. The maturity stage of treatment 2 was the earliest on September 1st, two days prior to FP. The PFP of the three fertilizers were the highest on treatment 3, there were 73.98, 199.49, 161.91 kg·kg-1 , respectively. The higher than FP of 8.86,21.78,63.00 kg·kg-1 ,respectively. The yield was increased of 4 treatments based on the condition of reducing fertilizer. The actual increase yield was the highest of treatment 3, the actual yield reached 11 171.67 kg·ha-1, the increasing yield of 686.73 kg·ha-1, the increasing rate of 6.5%. The order of increasing yield, PFP of 4 treatments were consistent. The yield of rice could be increased by applying bio-organic fertilizer.
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