WANG Lei,ZHANG Xinyu,ZHAI Yalin,et al.Logic Shift and Practical Pathway of Digital Forestry and Grassland Empowerment in Cultivation of Landscape Architecture Talent[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2024,(03):93-97.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2024.03.0093]
- Title:
- Logic Shift and Practical Pathway of Digital Forestry and Grassland Empowerment in Cultivation of Landscape Architecture Talent
- 文章编号:
- 15
- Keywords:
- digital forest and grass; digital landscape; landscape architecture; talent cultivation; practice and innovation
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 林草系统作为稳定国家生态安全的重要绿地基础,能够提升数字林草系统监测和保护的效率与质量,还能有效推进生态文明建设和可持续发展。风景园林专业作为林草科技创新人才培养的重要载体,面临着教学结构固化、产教融合不足等问题,急需抓住数字林草技术创新的契机弥合人才缺口。因此,本文提出了数字林草赋能风景园林人才培养的创新模式和实施路径,以数字技术为基础,开拓“数字”新思路,引导“资源”共享,探索“剧本”方案,促进产学研协同和劳动教育与创新创业教育的融合。数字林草赋能育人模式旨在培养出具有创新能力和实践技能的高素质风景园林人才,为数字林草技术的持续创新和生态环境的可持续发展做出重要贡献。
- Abstract:
- The forest and grassland system, as an essential green foundation for ensuring national ecological security, has the potential to enhance the efficiency and quality of digital monitoring and protection systems. It effectively promotes ecological civilization and sustainable development. The landscape architecture profession, as a crucial vehicle for cultivating talent in forest and grassland technology innovation, faces challenges such as a rigid teaching structure and insufficient industry-academia integration. Seizing the opportunity for innovation in digital forest and grassland technology is urgently needed to bridge the talent gap. Therefore, this article proposed an innovative model and implementation path for empowering landscape architecture talent with digital forest and grassland capabilities. It was based on digital technology, explores new “digital” ideas, encourages “resource” sharing, and explores “script” solutions to promote synergy between industry, academia, research, and labor education, as well as innovation and entrepreneurship education. The digital forest and grassland empowerment model aims to cultivate high-quality landscape architecture professionals with innovation and practical skills, making a significant contribution to the continuous innovation of digital forest and grassland technology and the sustainable development of the ecological environment.
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