WANG Wei-qi,YANG Hai-chang,WANG Wei-chao,et al.Soil Quality Evaluation of Salinization in Xinjiang Oasis[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2018,(05):26-30.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2018.05.0026]
- Title:
- Soil Quality Evaluation of Salinization in Xinjiang Oasis
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 玛纳斯河流域作为新疆最大的绿洲农耕区,近年来随着农业用地开发强度加大,水资源不合理利用等因素使土壤盐渍化和土壤退化问题逐渐显现,从而带来一系列生态环境问题并制约着农业生产和社会经济发展。以石河子垦区为研究区域,针对区域内存在的土壤盐渍化问题等土壤质量问题,选取土壤养分、土壤质地及盐碱化程度为评价指标,利用层次分析法对垦区土壤质量做出综合评价。结果表明:根据综合评价结果可以将区域土壤质量划分为4个等级,其中一级地质量最好且占总面积的14.92%,二至四级分别占比23.14%、36.54%、25.40%。垦区内土壤质量总体偏低,土壤养分亏缺严重,且异质性较大。土壤普遍呈微碱化,小部分区域遭受到盐碱危害,大部分区域受到潜在盐碱化威胁,土壤质量有待进一步提高。应通过多种措施相结合,因地制宜地制定科学合理的措施以减轻盐碱化,提高土壤肥力,增强农业生态系统稳定性,保障绿洲区农业可持续发展和土壤生态安全。
- Abstract:
- Manasi River Basin is the largest cropping region in Xinjiang.Recently,the irrational use of land and water resources has caused secondary salinization of farmland,which has brought about a series of ecological and environmental problems and restricted agricultural production and socio-economic development.To address this question,according to exiting soil quality problems such as soil salinization in Shihezi region,we selected the soil nutrients,soil texture,and salinization degree as evaluation indicators comprehensively evaluate soil quality by using analytic hierarchy process (AHP).The results indicated that soil quality in the study area could be divided into four grades as follows,the first grade is the best quality and accounts for 14.92% of the total area,the second to fourth grades account for 23.14%,36.54% and 25.40% respectively.Together,soil quality in reclamation area is generally low,soil nutrient deficiency is serious,and the heterogeneity is much larger.The soil is generally slightly alkalized,a small part of the area is endangered by salt and alkali,most of the area is threatened by potential salinization,and soil quality needs to be further improved.Therefore,we should combine a variety of measures,take scientific and rational measures to reduce salinity based on local conditions,improve soil fertility and enhance the stability of agricultural ecosystems as well as ensure sustainable development of agriculture and soil ecological security in this area.
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