LIU Jian-min,LI Zhi-yong,GENG Feng-mei.A Preliminary Investigation of Garden Plant Diseases and Pests on the Campus of Hebei Professional College of Political Science and Law[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2010,(03):62-66.
- Title:
- A Preliminary Investigation of Garden Plant Diseases and Pests on the Campus of Hebei Professional College of Political Science and Law
- 文章编号:
- 1002-2767(2010)03-0062-05
- Keywords:
- garden plants; plant diseases and pests; investigation; species; Hebei Professional College of Political Science and Law
- 分类号:
- S567.23+1
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 经调查鉴定,初步查明为害河北政法职业学院校园园林植物的病害有17 种,害虫 82种,并对其发生特点作了分析,为病虫害防治提供参考。
- Abstract:
- On the base of the investigation and collection of garden plant diseases and pests conducted in Hebei Professional College of Political Science and Law, 17 plant pathogenic species and 82 insect species were identified. The paper discusses the occurrence of the diseases and insect pests and put forwards some control measures.
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