LI Xiao-l i.Research Advance of Rhizosphere Deposited Carbon[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2008,(06):171-173.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2008.06.0171]
- Title:
- Research Advance of Rhizosphere Deposited Carbon
- 文章编号:
- 1002-2767(2008)06-0171-03
- Keywords:
- rhizophere ; car bo n; deposition
- 分类号:
- X53
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 根际碳沉积在农田碳循环中起重要作用, 不仅是维持根系呼吸消耗的重要组成成分, 同时在植物根际碳消耗中占有相当大的比重。植物根际碳的沉积来源于植物残体的分解以及植物生育期内根际碳的释放, 根际碳的沉积是土壤有机质的主要来源, 根际碳沉积测定方法主要是同位素示踪技术。
- Abstract:
- The r hizo sphere depo sited carbo n play s a significant r ole in car bo n cy cle o f field land.It is not o nly theimpor tant compo sitio ns to maintain co nsume of roo t re spir ation , but a lso accounts fo r sizable pro po r tion in plantrhizo sphe re carbon consume .The rhizo sphere depo sited carbon come f rom decomposito n of plant residue and releaseof rhizophere ca rbo n during plant g row pe riod .The rhizo sphere deposited carbon is primary source of soil o rganicmatter .The de te rmine me tho d o f rhizosphe re deposited carbon is mainly iso to pe tracer technique .
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作者简介:李小丽(1980-), 女, 河南省封丘人, 试验师, 从事农田土壤碳循环方面研究。E-mai l:lixiaoli758695 @126 .com 。