LIU Bing-yan,PIAO-yu,PIAO Yong-zhen,et al.Studies of Heat and Calcium Treatments on RespirationIntensity of Postharvest Apple-pear Fruits[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2008,(06):93-95.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2008.06.0093]
- Title:
- Studies of Heat and Calcium Treatments on RespirationIntensity of Postharvest Apple-pear Fruits
- 文章编号:
- 1002-2767(2008)06-0093-03
- Keywords:
- hea t treatment ; calcium t reatment ; apple-pear ; re spir ation intensity
- 分类号:
- S661
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以延边地区主栽品种苹果梨为试材, 探索在不同贮藏方式下, 热处理和钙处理对采后苹果梨果实呼吸强度的影响, 结果表明:经热和钙处理的苹果梨果实, 在冷藏和窖藏条件下贮藏3 个月, 模拟货架期一周后, 与对照组相比, 热、钙、热和钙结合处理均能降低果实烂果率, 其中热和钙结合处理效果最显著;各种处理均能抑制果实失重, 热和钙结合处理效果最显著。无论在冷藏还是在窖藏条件下, 各种处理均能明显降低苹果梨果实贮藏期间呼吸强度, 其中以热和钙结合处理效应最显著。
- Abstract:
- To ok Yanbian cultiv ars of apple-pea r as ma te rial , the effect o f hea t and calcium treatment o n respiratio nintensity of a pple-pear under differe nt sto rage methods w as co nduc ted .The re sults showed that :thr ough hea t and calcium trea tment , unde r cold sto rag e and cache ho ard sto rage conditions thr ee months later , compared w ith thecontro l g ro up , heat , calcium and ca lcium combined with heat treatment could reduce f ruit ro t .Calcium combinedwith heat treatment in w hich w as the mo st no table .Fruit o f treatment could inhibit weig ht lo ss .Heat and calciumbindinghav e the mo st sig nificant effect .The trea tments w ere all could inhibit the respiration intensity of applepear .
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第一作者简介:刘冰雁(1981-), 女, 吉林省桦甸市人, 硕士, 实习研究员, 主要研究方向果树栽培生理。E-m ail :lby w l @yahoo .com .cn 。