LI Xi-chen.Consideration about Potatoes Industrialization in Nehe[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2008,(05):146-148.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2008.05.0146]
- Title:
- Consideration about Potatoes Industrialization in Nehe
- 文章编号:
- 1002-2767(2008)05-0146-03
- Keywords:
- po tatoes ; industrialize ; pro blem ; stra teg y
- 分类号:
- S532
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 讷河市是“ 中国马铃薯之乡” , 在近些年马铃薯产业得到长足的发展, 但还存在制约产业化的诸多因素, 应健全脱毒种薯繁育生产体系, 加大科技物化投入、强化科学管理, 土壤机械化深翻深松、合理轮作、调优种植业结构, 测土配方、合理施肥、综合防治病虫草害, 政府加大支持力度、切实搞好综合服务等方面做好工作, 大力发展马铃薯产业, 提高农民收入, 破解“三农” 问题, 加快市域经济的快速发展。
- Abstract:
- Nehe is the“ hometow n o f potatoe s” in China .In recent y ears , the re has been g reat prog ress in po ta to esindustry ;howeve r , there a re still many facto rs w hich re st rict the industrializatio n of potatoe s.So the effor ts sho uldbe put on the se aspect s, such as perfect the pr oductio n sy stem of deto xificatio n po tato seed propaga tion , increasethe investment o f technolog y , streng then scientific ma nag ement , machine ry subsoiling of tillage , reaso nable shiftingcultiv atio n, optimize the structure o f planting industry , compounding based o f compo sition o f soil, reaso nablefertilizatio n, integ rate contro l o f disease , pest and weed , increa se suppor ting degr ee o f gov ernment a nd se ttle combinationse rvice practically .Acco rding ly , the po ta to es industr y co uld g ain a g reat pr og ress, while the incomes ofpea sants wo uld also be improv ed.Thus the issue o f ag riculture co untry side and peasants co uld be so lved and thefast development of economic of city r egio n co uld also be accele rated.
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作者简介:李希臣(1968-), 男, 黑龙江省讷河市人, 副研究员, 从事农作物生物技术研究。Tel:13936690500 ;E-mai l:li xichen1968 @163 .com 。