[1]王俊,高亦珂.4 种野生鸢尾叶片解剖结构与耐旱性关系研究[J].黑龙江农业科学,2008,(05):101-104.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2008.05.0101]
WANGJun,GAO Yi-ke.Study on the Relationship between Leaf Anatomical Structure andDrought Resistance of Four Species of Iris[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2008,(05):101-104.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2008.05.0101]
WANGJun,GAO Yi-ke.Study on the Relationship between Leaf Anatomical Structure andDrought Resistance of Four Species of Iris[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2008,(05):101-104.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2008.05.0101]
4 种野生鸢尾叶片解剖结构与耐旱性关系研究
- Title:
- Study on the Relationship between Leaf Anatomical Structure andDrought Resistance of Four Species of Iris
- 文章编号:
- 1002-2767(2008)05-0101-04
- Keywords:
- Iris loczyi; Iris so ng arica ; Iris po taninii; Iris lacteal; anatomical str ucture ; drought resistance
- 分类号:
- Q949 .71 +8 .28
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 在光学显微镜下用徒手切片和离析法比较了4 种野生鸢尾:天山鸢尾(I ris loczy i)、准噶尔鸢尾(I ris songarica)、卷鞘鸢尾(I ris potaninii)和白花马蔺(I ris lacteal)的叶片解剖结构、角质层的厚度、表皮细胞大小、叶肉细胞的特征、气孔密集度、气孔器特征。角质层厚度为:准噶尔鸢尾>卷鞘鸢尾>天山鸢尾>白花马蔺;解剖结构和气孔密度等证明天山鸢尾和准噶尔鸢尾应属于保护型、节约型、忍耐型和强壮型旱生植物, 卷鞘鸢尾和白花马蔺应属于保护型、忍耐型和强壮型旱生植物。四种鸢尾对干旱环境都具有极强的适应性。
- Abstract:
- Anatomical cha racter of leaves , w hich include the size of epide rmal cells , ply o f cutin , characteristics ofmeso phy ll cells, density of stoma ta , char acte ristics of stomata , o f fo ur species of Iris w hich we re introduced successfullyfrom Qing hai province have been o bserv ed by the light microscope and eductio n method .The resultsshowed tha t the rate o f v olume and area of leaves :I .lacteal>I .potaninii >I .locz y i >I .songarica ;ply o f cutin :I .songarica >I .potaninii >I .locz yi >I .lacteal ;I .locz y i and I .songarica belo ng to sheltering effect , eco nomizer, endurance a nd to nicity by anatomical cha racter and de nsity of stomata , I .potaninii and I .lacteal belong tosheltering effect, endurance a nd tonicity .The confirmatio n w as that the four species of Iris wer e xe rophil, w hichhave stro ng ly adaptability fo r dro ug ht env ir onme nt .
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基金项目:北京林业大学研究生自选课题基金资助项目(06jj072)第一作者简介:王俊(1983-), 女, 青海西宁人, 硕士, 从事花卉生物学研究。Tel :15925614399 ;E-mail:w angju n0231 @163 .com 。
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