DENG Chang-he,WANGMeng-xue,WANG Ning.Effects of Different Water and Fertilizer Group on WaterUse Efficiency and Economic Benefit in Maize[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2008,(03):63-65.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2008.03.0063]
- Title:
- Effects of Different Water and Fertilizer Group on WaterUse Efficiency and Economic Benefit in Maize
- 文章编号:
- 1002-2767(2008)03-0063-03
- 分类号:
- S513 .062
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 对不同肥水组合的玉米水分利用效率及经济效益进行了研究。结果表明:高肥低水的水分利用效率最低,经济效益差;高肥中水、低肥高水组合的水分利用效率较高, 其中低肥高水经济效益最高;中肥中水条件下可获得较低投入的最佳效益, 但产量较低;高肥中水的水分利用效率最高, 是高产节水的最佳组合, 经济效益大, 是实现玉米节水高产的重要环节。
- Abstract:
- The effects of w ater use efficiency and eco nomic be nefit o f maize unde r different water and fer tilizerg roups have been studied.The results showed :the w ater use efficiencie s under hig h fertilizer-low w ater w as lowest and eco nomic benefit w as lowe r ;the water use efficiencies under hig h fer tilizer-middle wa te r , low fe rtilizer-hig hwa te r we re higher and eco nomic be nefit o f the latter w as the hig hest, it could be g et the best benefit o f lower devotion under middle fer tilizer-middle w ater , but the yield w as low er ;the w ater use efficiency o f hig h fe rtilizer-middlew ater was the best and eco nomic benefit wa s hig he r , it w as the best co ordinatio n that obtaining high yield andsaving w ater , it w as most impo rtant link that realized super high yield under hig h fe rtilizer-middle w ater .
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第一作者简介:邓长贺(1984-), 男, 黑龙江省肇源县人, 在读本科, 从事农业资源与环境研究。E-m ail:wangmengxue1978 @163 .com .