LI Wei.Grey Relational Analysis of MeteorologicalFactors on Soybean Growth and Yield[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2008,(02):41-43.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2008.02.0041]
- Title:
- Grey Relational Analysis of MeteorologicalFactors on Soybean Growth and Yield
- 文章编号:
- 1002-2767(2008)02-0041-03
- Keywords:
- grey re latio nal analy sis; meteor olo gical factors ; growth; yield
- 分类号:
- S565 .1
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 试验采用分期播种的方法, 对黑龙江省主要气象因子与大豆生长发育和产量的关系进行研究。关联分析表明:出苗~ 花期的活动积温、日照时数和地面平均温度是与大豆生长发育关联度较为密切的气象因子;出苗~花期的日照时数、活动积温和日较差是与大豆产量关联度较大的气象因子。
- Abstract:
- Grey rela tional analy sis of meteo rological facto rs on soybean gr ow th a nd yield had been made by meansof interv al sowing in Heilongjiang prov ince .The results show ed that accumulated tempe rature , sunshine ho urs andg round temperature w ere the related meteo rolog ical facto rs to soy bean gr ow th f rom emerg ing to f low ering stage .Sunshine hour , accumula ted tempe rature and daily rang e of tem pera tur e wer e rela ted meteo rological facto rs tosoybean y ield f rom emerg ing to flowe ring stag e
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