[1]栾晓燕,马岩松,刘鑫磊,等.S .B 技术对大豆品种产量和品质影响效应研究初报[J].黑龙江农业科学,2008,(02):34-37.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2008.02.0034]
LUAN Xiao-yan,MA Yan-song,LIU Xin-lei,et al.Primary Research of Effect on Yield and Qulity of DifferentSoybean Varieties by S .B Technique[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2008,(02):34-37.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2008.02.0034]
LUAN Xiao-yan,MA Yan-song,LIU Xin-lei,et al.Primary Research of Effect on Yield and Qulity of DifferentSoybean Varieties by S .B Technique[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2008,(02):34-37.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2008.02.0034]
S .B 技术对大豆品种产量和品质影响效应研究初报
- Title:
- Primary Research of Effect on Yield and Qulity of DifferentSoybean Varieties by S .B Technique
- 文章编号:
- 1002-2767(2008)02-0034-04
- Keywords:
- so ybean; S .B technique ; effect o n y ield and quality
- 分类号:
- S565 .1
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 为鉴定沈阳好好农场有限公司研制的S.B 技术对大豆增产保质的效果, 应用S .B 增产剂处理黑农44 和黑农48 , 采用品种(A)、S.B 施肥(B)、掐尖时期(C)2×2 ×3 复因子随机区组试验设计进行研究。试验结果表明:S .B 增产剂对黑农44 和黑农48 产量影响效果存在差异, 其增产幅度由13 .2 %到22 .15%, 同时S .B 技术起到了保持黑农44 和黑农48 品种品质种性的作用。
- Abstract:
- I n order to investig ate the effec t of S .B technique on increasing so ybean yield and quality which pr oducedby Hao hao farm Ltd .Sheny ang , the ra ndom complete blo ck design abo ut three facto rs wa s conducted o n Heinong44 and H eino ng 48 , which including varieties (A), S .B fertilizer content(B)and the stage of remov ing g row ingpo int(C).The re sults indica ted that the re w as different effect on yield betw ee n Heino ng 44 and Heinong 48 byS.B increasing reag ent from 13.2% to 22 .1%.The S .B technique could also pre ser ve H einong 44 and Heinong48 quality.
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第一作者简介:栾晓燕(1964 -), 女, 黑龙江省宝清县人, 硕士,研究员, 从事大豆遗传育种研究。E-mail:luan xiaoyan1201 @163 .com 。
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