ZHOU Ai-dong,YANG Hong-xiao,HE Zhu.Research Advance on Detoxification of Rapeseed Mealand Extraction of Rapeseed Protein[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2008,(01):97-99.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2008.01.0097]
- Title:
- Research Advance on Detoxification of Rapeseed Mealand Extraction of Rapeseed Protein
- 文章编号:
- 1002-2767(2008)01-0097-03
- Keywords:
- rapeseed ; rapeseed meal ; rapeseed protein ; detoxifica tion ; extraction
- 分类号:
- TQ936 .2
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 菜籽饼粕是一个潜在营养价值很高的巨大植物蛋白资源, 科学合理利用廉价的菜籽蛋白具有重要的社会和经济意义。分析了当前油菜籽的生产状况, 论述了菜籽饼粕脱毒及菜籽蛋白提取的5 种工艺方法, 结合工业生产的实例, 展望了全球油菜籽生产和菜籽蛋白深加工的良好前景
- Abstract:
- Rapeseed is an enormous plant pro tein resource w ith hig h latent nutritio nal value .Utilizing sixpennyrapeseed pro tein reaso nably and scientifically is o f impo rtant social and eco nomical sig nificance .I n this pa per , currentg lo ba l production o f r apeseed w as analyzed , de toxificatio n of r apeseed meal wa s discussed and 5 w ay s of rapeseedprotein’s e xtr action were r eview ed.The fo reg rounds o f g lobal rapeseed’s pr oductio n and r apeseed pro tein’scomprehensiv e processing we re described on the base of indust rial examples .
[ 1] 伍坪, 胡佩.油菜籽粕中蛋白质的提取与分离研究[ J] .资源开发与市场, 2007 , 23(6):483 .
第一作者简介:周爱东(1973-),男, 江苏省淮安市人, 讲师, 从事膜分离研究。Tel:025-83594195 ;E-mail:aidongz hou @yahoo .com .cn 。