GUO Wei,SUN Hai-yan,YU Li-he,et al.Research on Wheat Varieties Tested withApplication of DTOPSIS Method[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2008,(01):31-33.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2008.01.0031]
DTOPSIS 法在小麦品种区试中应用研究
- Title:
- Research on Wheat Varieties Tested withApplication of DTOPSIS Method
- 文章编号:
- 1002-2767(2008)01-0031-03
- Keywords:
- DTOPSIS ; w heat region test ; appraise synthetically
- 分类号:
- S512 .1+2;S11 +4
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 运用DTOPSIS 法, 从产量、容重、面团形成时间等11 个性状方面, 对2005 年在黑龙江省密山地区进行试种试验的7 个黑龙江省主栽小麦品种进行了分析。综合评价显示:在该地区试种的7 个品种中, 北麦1 号居第一位, 北麦2 号、垦红14 分别列第二、第三位, 它们既具有较好的丰产性, 又表现出一定的优质性, 宜在该地区推广应用。
- Abstract:
- The comparison o f the 7 te sting wheat va rietie s w hich dominantly planted in Mishan o f Heilong jiangprovince in 2005 was co nducted by DTOPSIS metho d.11 char acte rs such as g rain y ield, test weig ht , developingtime , e tc w ere ana lyzed.The sy nthe tically results showed tha t Bei-w hea t No .1 w as the be st va riety a nd Bei-w hea tNo .2 wa s the second, fo llowed by Ken-w hea t 14 , they wer e all ow ned the fer tility character and high qua lity ince rtain deg ree and had go od adaptatio n to the region .
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