CHEN Yun-luan.Analysis on the Introduction and Spread of American Cotton before the Founding of the People’s Republic of China and Its Historic Inspiration[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2007,(05):100-103.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2007.05.0100]
- Title:
- Analysis on the Introduction and Spread of American Cotton before the Founding of the People’s Republic of China and Its Historic Inspiration
- 文章编号:
- 1002 -2767(2007)05-0100 -04
- Keywords:
- Ame rican co tton ; introduction ; spread ; inspira tion
- 分类号:
- S562
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 主要阐述了建国前美棉在我国大量引种、推广所经历的具有各自显著特征的几个阶段, 即缺乏科学方法和有效措施的政府机构、民间团体及有识之士倡导下的初步引种、推广阶段;科学试验并对美棉进行驯化的民间团体与学术机构相合作的推广阶段;政府周密组织实施的统一推广阶段。从中得出, 农作物新品种的引种推广的成功, 科技力量的支持与政府系统地组织和安排是关键。
- Abstract:
- This pape r w as about a few rema rkable characteristic stages that American co tton’s intr oduction and spread had experienced before the founding of the People’s Republic China , i.e.the initial stage of lacking scientific methods a nd measure s w hich w as adv ocated by g ove rnme nt appa ratus, no ngo ver nment or ganizatio ns and persons with breadth of v isio n;the stag e of scientific ex pe riments a nddomesticating America n co tto n w hich was initiated by non-g over nment o rganizatio ns and academic appar atus;the unified spread stag e of well-co nceived plan which w as headed by Na njing Na tional Go ve rnment .Ther efore , the suppo rt of scie ntific pow er and g ov ernment’s sy stema tic ar rangement w ere the key to introduce and spread new va rieties of c rops succe ssfully .
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收稿日期:2007 -03 -20
作者简介:陈蕴鸾(1977 -), 女, 江苏南通人, 硕士,从事农业文化史研究。T el:13584010186 ;E -mail:l xg7419 @sina .com 。