WU Ke-ming,LIU Hong-wei,LIU Wen-bin,et al.Reducing Reason of Soybean Yield and Countermeasure of Cropping in Northern Mountain Area of Heilongjiang Province[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2006,(04):42-43.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2006.04.0042]
- Title:
- Reducing Reason of Soybean Yield and Countermeasure of Cropping in Northern Mountain Area of Heilongjiang Province
- 文章编号:
- 1002 -2767(2006)04 -0042 -02
- Keywords:
- no rthern mountain ; soy bean continuous cropping ; reasons of reduct ion o f output ; countermeasures
- 分类号:
- S565 .104.8
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 探讨了北部山区大豆重迎茬病虫害加重、营养失调、土壤理化性质变劣、土壤水分过度消耗以及伴生杂草增加等减产原因;通过合理轮作、更新更换种子、推广秸杆还田、平衡施肥增施有机肥、推广深松、秋整地等科学的土壤耕作措施以及药剂防治等可以缓解大豆重迎茬造成的危害。
- Abstract:
- This art icle inqui red into the reason o f reduct ion of o utput including plant diseases andinsect pet s is heavy , nutrit ion di sorde r , phy sical and chemical proper ty of the soil become inferior , the soi l humidity consumes excessively , and g rass increase , etc .Many scienti fic t reasure sthat can alleviate the harm can be taken , for ex ample , take reasonable ro tatio n , renew and replacethe seed , return the st raw into farmland , increase organic fat ty , loo se deeply , cultivate inautumn , use medicine to prevent and cure .
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HE Zhi-hong,LIU Zhong-tang,et al.Study on the Reason Reducing Production of SoybeansPlanted Continuously and the Way to Get More Output———The Roots of Soybeans Planted Continuously[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2003,(04):1.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2003.06.0001]
收稿日期:2006 -03 -31