YAN Fang.The Brief Analysis of the Government Role in the Process of Land Expropriation[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2006,(02):59-60.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2006.02.0059]
- Title:
- The Brief Analysis of the Government Role in the Process of Land Expropriation
- 文章编号:
- 1002 - 2767(2006)02 - 0059 - 02
- Keywords:
- land ex pro priation ; prope rty rig ht of land ; compensatio n fo r the expropria tion land
- 分类号:
- F301. 1
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 土地征用是指国家为了公共目的而强制取得其他民事主体的土地并给以补偿的一种行为。近年来, 随着我国工业化、城市化进程的加速, 农村集体土地征用现象较为普遍, 土地征用实质上是土地产权的转移和利益重新配置问题, 因此本文着重阐述政府在土地征用过程中的角色定位, 以期更好的促进和实现农民的利益, 有效的解决“三农”问题。
- Abstract:
- Land ex propriatio n i s a kind of go vernment behavior that the count ry makes compensationfo r the civil w ho se land has been impo sed ex propriated by g overnment fo r the pubilc purpose.In recent years , i t i s a general phenomeno n that vallage co llect ive lands a re ex pro priatedwi th the acceleratio n of indust rializat ion and urbanizatio n process in o ur co unt ry. In fact land expropriation essentially means the t ransfo rmatio n of property right of land and the reconfig urationof the intere st s. So this text explained emphatically the g overnment roles in the process of lande xpropriat ion , ex pecting to w ell promo te and realize the interest s o f peasant , and to set t le ef fectively“three ag ricultural” problem.
[ 1]沈守愚. 土地法学通论[ M] . 北京:中国大地出版社, 2002.
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LIN Shan-bo.The Appropriate Scale of Land Management and the Guarantee of Peasant’s Rights and Interests[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2005,(02):11.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2005.05.0011]
收稿日期:2005 - 05 - 30