LAN Jing,ZHAO Nai-xin,CHENG Ai-hua,et al.Studies on the Color of Fresh White Salted Noodle and Its Affecting Factors[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2006,(02):44-47.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2006.02.0044]
- Title:
- Studies on the Color of Fresh White Salted Noodle and Its Affecting Factors
- 文章编号:
- 1002 - 2767(2006)02 - 0044 - 04
- Keywords:
- FWSN ; colo r ; af fecting facto r ; correlatio n
- 分类号:
- TS213. 24
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 研究了黑龙江省小麦品种龙麦26 和龙辐麦12 在四个加水量水平28 %~ 40 %下的鲜加盐白面条(FWSN)制作与色泽。结果表明, 两个品种FWSN 加水量在28 %~ 32 %时, 亮度(L*)显著降低, 黄度(b*)显著增大;加水量在32 %~ 45 %时, L *值升高, b*值降低。两个品种FWSN 放置24h 后, 随着加水量提高, L*值降低, 红度a *值显著增加, b*值变化不大。在加水量28 %, 放置3 h和24 h , FWSN 的L*值较高。FWSN 在储藏期间色泽稳定性和保持性很关键。结果表明, 两个品种放置3 ~ 72 h , FWSN 的L*值显著降低。对于不同地点种植的龙麦26 和龙辐麦12 , 蛋白质含量与FWSN 的L*值显著负相关(r =-0. 446 , p =0. 05)。随着出粉率提高, FWSN 的L*值显著降低。不同地点种植的龙麦26 和龙辐麦12 , 多酚氧化酶活性对FWSN 色泽影响不大。
- Abstract:
- The inf luence of fo ur w ater absorptio n levels ranged f rom 28 %~ 40 %w as examined onthe processing and co lor of f resh w hi te salted noodles(FWSN) made f rom Longmai26 and Lo ngfumai12grow n in Heilongjiang Pro vince. Sig nif icant decline w as detected in the FWSN brightness(L*) as w ater abso rpt ion ranged f rom 28 %~ 32 %be tw een the varieties. Then the L * value sof FWSN increased w hen w ater abso rption levels w ere 32 %~ 40 %. Sig nif icant increase in FWSNy ellow ness(b *) w as observed in each variety f rom 28 %~ 32 %, but the b * values of FWSN decreasedw ith increasing w ater abso rpt ion. Af ter storaged fo r 24h , L*values o f the FWSN decreasedand redness(a *) signi ficant ly increased , but b* values kept constant. It is impo rtant thatthe colo r`s re tentivity and stabili ty of FWSN during storage. Sig nificant decline of L * v alues w asdetected in the FWSN w hen they w ere sto red f rom 3 ~ 72h.Fo r the spring w heat cult ivars Longmai26 and Lo ng fumai12 that planted in dif ferent regio ns ,a sig nificant and neg ative relat ionship(r =- 0. 446 , p =0. 05) w as fo und betw een brig htness(L*)and protein content. Sig nificant decrease of L* values w as o bse rved in each v ariety as y ield increasing. Fo r each variety planted in di fferent region , poly pheno l o xidase activi tiy(PPO) had littleef fect on color of FWSN .
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收稿日期:2005 - 11 - 23