LIN Shan-bo.The Appropriate Scale of Land Management and the Guarantee of Peasant’s Rights and Interests[J].HEILONGJIANG AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES,2005,(05):11-15.[doi:10.11942/j.issn1002-2767.2005.05.0011]
- Title:
- The Appropriate Scale of Land Management and the Guarantee of Peasant’s Rights and Interests
- 文章编号:
- 1002 -2767(2005)05 -0011 -05
- Keywords:
- appropriate land scale of operation ; land pro perty right ; peasant s’interests in land .
- 分类号:
- F301
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 认为土地规模化经营过程中应以农民为市场主体, 应保护农民的土地权益。地方政府应该改变过去越权代包的做法, 转向为农村土地流转市场的建立和农民权益的保障服务。
- Abstract:
- In thi s paper , the author considers that peasant s sho uld be the subject of market , and the land right s and interest s o f peasants should be pro tected in the process o f appropriate land scale of o peratio n .The autho r also conside rs that lo cal gove rnment s should change the pract ice w hich they used to do such as ex ceeding o ne’s duties and meddling in other s’af fairs , and turn toserve for the establi shment of circulatio n market o f rural land and fo r the g uarantee of peasant s’ right s and interest s .
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收稿日期:2005 -05 -30
作者简介:林善波(1981 -), 男, 福建大田人, 经济学硕士, 从事农业经济、社会主义市场经济研究。Tel:13960704210 ;E -mail :lsb39 @ et ang .com 。